Working groups

From an original seventeen topics, the IPGT narrowed its focus to six topics in 2009 and added induced seismicity in 2010. The Steering Committee indentified four conveners for each topic - one for each member country - who will assemble seven international working groups. Under the direction of the conveners, the working groups will develop white papers and research plans for their topic areas, which will assist in the development of IPGT projects in coming months.
Interest in joining an IPGT working group may be directed to the Secretariat.
The IPGT Reservoir Modeling Working Group has updated their white paper in order to outline the current state of the art and technology needs related to zonal isolation and packers for enhanced geothermal systems. This paper will assist IPGT countries to focus R&D efforts on the most critical areas.
This published versionof the white paper was last updated in August 2012.
The IPGT Zonal Isolation and Packers Working Group has updatedtheir white paper in order to outline the current state of the art andtechnology needs related to zonal isolation andpackers for enhanced geothermal systems. This paper will assist IPGTcountries to focus R&D efforts on the most critical areas.
This published version of the white paper was last updated in August2012.
The IPGT Exploration Working Group has updated its white paper inorder to outline the current state of the art and technologyneeds related to exploration for enhanced and other geothermalsystems. This paper will assist IPGT countries to focus R&D efforts on themost critical areas.
This published version of the white paper was last updated in August2012.
The IPGT HighTemperature Tools Working Group has updated their white paper in order tooutline the current state of the art and technology needs related to zonalisolation and packers for enhanced geothermal systems. This paper will assistIPGT countries to focus R&D efforts on the most critical areas.
This published version of the white paper was last updated in August 2012.
The IPGT Stimulation Procedures Working Group has updated their white paper in order to outline the current state of the art and technology needs related to zonal isolation and packers for enhanced geothermal systems. This paper will assist IPGT countries to focus R&D efforts on the most critical areas.
This published versionof the white paper was last updated in August 2012.
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